Election time is here! We invite you to nominate candidates for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors.
Candidate qualifications:
- A regular PAARL member of good standing for the past three (3) years, not later than 31 August 2024
- With a record of involvement with PAARL or other library organizations (attendance to seminars, conference, etc.)
- Willingness and ability to give time to the duties of the office and Association affairs, when elected
- Does not currently sit as an officer or board member of any other professional organization
- Must represent an academic or research institution
- Is allowed by his/her institution/library head to run for office
- The institution he/she represents is an institutional member of PAARL
Please submit your nominees to any of the incumbent PAARL Officers or the following NOMELEC Members:
VENERANDA O. SAJORDA – vosajorda@firstasia.edu.ph
SONIA M. GEMENTIZA, PHD – smgementiza@dlsud.edu.ph
ZORAIDA E. BARTOLOME – zoradabarts@gmail.com
DIONY M. ANGELES – dionisiaangeles@gmail.com
MICHAEL ANTHONY A. MOJICA – michaelanthony.mojica@benilde.edu.ph

Submit your nominations on or before 25 October 2024 using the online Certificate of Candidacy through this link https://tinyurl.com/2025PAARLBoardNominations. Nominations may be sent to Deadline for nominations is on Friday, 25 October 2024.
For further inquiries, send an email to paarlbod@gmail.com or through our social media pages.