A. Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidelines for the effective operation of the Philippine Association of Academic/Research Librarians based on the Articles of Incorporation and its By-Laws, established practices and the experience of members who have served in elective and appointive offices. This Manual also outlines the required and suggested responsibilities for each elective and appointive position. It also establishes fiscal guidelines and procedures to maintain, preserve and enhance the association’s fiscal strength and its sound financial practices.
B. Corporate Responsibilities
Board of Directors
The governing body of the Association is the Executive Board, consisting of NINE (9) DIRECTORS, all of whom shall be directly elected by the general members, and a non- voting ex-officio, the immediate Past President. The Past President serves in an advisory capacity, offering the benefit of his/her experience to help ensure continuity and consistency in the operation of the Association. The elected members shall hold office for a term of one year after their induction into office, subject to a maximum of three (3) terms in continuous succession. The Executive Board shall elect from among themselves the Officers of the Association, namely: president, a vice-president, an executive secretary, a treasurer, an auditor, and a public relations officer. The duties, powers and limitations of the Board are as follows:
- It shall define the policies and regulate the activities of the Association in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and this Manual.
- It shall exercise the corporate powers of the Association in carrying out the business affairs of the Association.
- It shall create such committees as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Association.
- It shall require the Committee Chairs to submit reports on its activities, and take appropriate action on committee recommendations.
- It shall prepare an annual operating budget for implementation within its term of office.
- At the beginning of the year of its term, it shall plan for all programs and activities to be implemented within the year of its term
- It shall approve any contracts or agreements entered into in the name of the Association.
- It shall appoint a successor in case of any vacancy in the Board, or the resignation of any officer.
- Members of the Board shall not participate in any discussion or vote concerning a transaction in which they have a conflict of interest.
- Members of the Board shall not receive any stated salary or honorarium for their services, as stated in the By-Laws.
- No member of the Executive Board shall be exempted from payment of membership fee, whether individual or institutional.
- Likewise, no member of the Executive Board shall be exempted from payment of registration fee for any CPE-accredited conferences or seminars for which CPE credit units will be applied by the member concerned
- The Board shall meet once a month, with five (5) members constituting a quorum.
- The Board shall require from the Chairman of the Election Committee to submit its list of nominees three (3) months before the election, but not later than August 31,
- If attendance and participation of members in the work of the Executive Board becomes a problem, the Board may take appropriate action.
In its selection of the President, the Board should consider the following qualifications:
- A distinguished professional career as academic/research librarian;
- Active participation in various Association Committees, seminars, conferences, fora or round tables;
- Demonstrated leadership ability in the Association;
- Ability to articulate ideas and concepts about current library issues clearly;
- Sensitiveness to the needs and sentiment of various constituencies within the Association;
- Ability to represent the Association well in international, national, and local forums as well as in the media.
The duties and responsibilities of the President are as follows:
- The President shall be the chief executive of the Association and shall carry out the provisions of the By-Laws.
- He/she shall must provide strong leadership to ensure that the Association remains a vital organization and operates in a manner consistent with Association’s goals and objectives. He/she should strive to inspire and motivate members to take an active role in the organization and to further the profession.
- From his/her assumption of office and for the duration of his/her term, the President shall disassociate himself/herself from any and all activities that may in one way or another restrict or hamper the effective exercise of his/her powers and performance of functions and duties, as stated in the By-Laws.
- He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the General Assembly.
- At the Annual General Assembly, he/she shall report to the general membership on the general state of the Association and the accomplishments of his/her Board.
- He/she shall appoint all committee chairs, with the approval of the Board, except the Committee on Nominations and Elections, and all Ad Hoc Committees .
- The President is responsible for the over-all planning and completion of the programs and activities of the Board.
- He/she shall coordinate the work of all officers of the Board.
Vice President
The Vice President, if qualified, shall exercise the powers and perform the functions and duties of the President during the latter’s absence or inability to serve; he/she shall perform such other functions and duties as are assigned to him/her by the President and by the Board. If he/she is appointed to chair the Conference Committee, he/she shall submit for the approval of the Board a plan for the conference, seminars, and other related activities, and a calendar of these activities should be ready for dissemination at the Annual General Assembly, and for publication in the first issue of the Association’s newsletter. As Conference Chair, the Vice President shall plan, coordinate, and oversee all the activities involved in the conduct of conferences, seminars, and fora.
The Treasurer has an obligation to the members of the Association to scrupulously care for the money entrusted to him/her. The financial reports required are the vehicles whereby the Treasurer keeps the Association’s Board and the members appraised of its fiscal condition. The Treasurer, who must be bonded in an amount to be fixed by the Board, shall collect, receive, record, and disburse all funds of the Association. In addition, the treasurer:
- shall maintain a checking account in the name of the Association and other accounts as necessary –write checks, deposit monies, receive monthly bank statements, and balance the checkbook.
- shall maintain an accurate ledger (checkbook voucher system) of all money received and paid, including original copies of all bills presented, and checks and stubs for bills paid.
- assist in the preparation of the annual operating budget, and monitor the income and expenditures of the association in accordance with the annual operating budget.
- pays all bills within the authorized budget, and as authorized by the Board.
- submits a financial report to the President one week before each board meeting, and report on the current financial status at each Board meeting.
- submits to the Board a financial report with the previous fiscal year’s actual income and expenditures within ten (10) days after the close of the calendar year.
- distributes an annual report of the financial status of the Association for the previous fiscal year to the general membership at the General Assembly, highlighting the Association’s major income and expenditures, cash balances, and interest earnings.
- must provide all appropriate documentation required by the internal auditor and the independent auditor.
- shall open to inspection records of all business transactions of the corporation by any director, trustee, stakeholder or member of the corporation at reasonable hours on business days, and provide within ten (10) days from receipt of a written request of any member, its most recent financial statement, which shall include a balance sheet as of the end of the last taxable year and a profit or loss statement for said taxable year, showing in reasonable detail its assets and liabilities and the result of its operations.
- The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board and the General Assembly
- He/she shall keep a record of all the proceedings thereof; prepares letters of appointments of all committee chairs; prepares and sends all notices of meetings; and prepares the necessary official ballots for the election of the Board, as stated in the By-Laws.
- He/she shall make a permanent record of all the approved resolutions, policies, and guidelines; ensures that all required documents are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and that all corporate and official records are kept up- to-date;
- He/she shall turn over to his/her successor all books, records and other properties of the Association provided that all such documentation of operations of the Association shall be deposited and properly organized in the Association’s headquarters ;
- The Secretary shall provide access to the minutes of any meetings for inspection by any director, trustee, stakeholder or member of the corporation at reasonable hours on business days, and upon request in writing, provide a copy of excerpts from said records or minutes.
- The Secretary shall perform other duties as may be required/requested by the President or the Board.
The Auditor shall audit and examine the receipts of all finances and disbursements of funds of the Association, and shall see to it that the disbursements are properly carried out in accordance with the Operating Budget, the By-laws, the resolutions of the Board of Directors, and the members of the Association.
Public Relations Officer (PRO)
The PRO shall take charge of all the preparation and publication of press releases, newsletters and other publications of the Association. He shall perform such other related activities as may be requested by the President or the Board of Directors to enhance the prestige and growth of the Association. The responsibility of the Public Relations Officer is to provide publicity about the organization, meetings, activities and special events of the Association.
- Distributes press releases and publicity for the activities of the Association
- Works with the Membership Committee in the proper and efficient dissemination of the Association’s newsletter and other publications
- Sends photographs, clippings and other items of special interest to the Board, and to the moderator/creator of the Association’s e-discussion group, online social networks, and official webhost.
Directors are members of the Board who are customarily assigned to serve in the Association’s standing or ad hoc committees, or to undertake special projects as directed by the Board, such as conducting member surveys or research programs, planning future directions, or other tasks which will affect the overall operation of the Association.
Council of Elders
Art. IV, Sec. 6 of the By-Laws provides for a Council of Elders who shall serve as an advisory body to the Executive Board. It shall be composed of past presidents willing to serve as consultants. Their term shall be co-terminus with the current officers and Board. Since they serve at the pleasure of the President, they have no voting rights.
- Within thirty (30) days after election, the President shall constitute a Council of Elders, which shall be composed of five (5) members chosen by the President with the approval of the Board from among the past presidents of the Association (excluding the immediate past president), distinguished for their strong leadership, independence of mind, and good judgment
- The Council shall elect a Chairman from among themselves, who shall preside at all meetings of the Council.
- The Council may meet at such time and place as requested by the Board, the Chairman of the Council, or upon petition by at least ten (10) regular members of good standing within the Association.
- The Council shall be given notice to any and all meetings of the Board, and provided with copies of agenda and minutes of meetings approved by the Board. Any member of the Council may attend any meeting of the Board as an observer.
- It may assist in formulating the overall programs and plans of action for the advocacies and objectives of the Association.
- It shall also help in identifying the areas of concerns in the implementation of the various projects and programs of the association and recommend alternative solutions to address these problems.
- The Council shall provide advice to the Board on all matters specially affecting the good name and prestige of the Association and its members.
- As an oversight body, the Council shall be consulted in major decisions affecting the association such as, but not limited to the following:
- a) financial transactions involving major transfer/disposition of funds and assets
- b) major policies involving qualifications for membership, elections, scholarships and other grants, awards, transfer of principal office or headquarters, contracts or undertakings, affiliations, and other matters of significance, wherein the By-Laws may be silent or inadequate to serve as basis for decision-making
- Aside from its consultative and advisory function, the Council shall act as arbitrator in cases of internal controversy or disputes arising out of or in connection with the administration of the affairs of the Association. The Council shall at all times promote peace and goodwill among its members in recommending solutions to these disputes.
The Standing Committees of the Association are the following:
- Conference Committee – to plan the short term programs of continuing professional education activities of the Association. The Vice President is customarily assigned to chair this Committee.
- Membership Committee – to screen applicants for membership, with a view of categorizing the same, and make suitable recommendations to the Board. The Chairmanship of this committee is customarily given to one of the Directors. The PRO and the Secretary are customarily members of this Committee.
- Ways and Means Committee – to recommend measures and undertake the same that would provide for the financial viability of the Association. The Treasurer is customarily a member of this committee.
- Publications Committee – to take charge of the PAARL newsletters and other publications of the Association. The chairmanship of this committee is customarily given to the PRO.
- Law and Legislation Committee – to study all proposed changes in the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws and its statutes and laws of general interest or application, and submit reports thereon and, with the approval of the Board, shall represent the Association in supporting or opposing such proposals.
- Awards and Scholarship Committee – to submit for approval of the Board nominees for the annual awards granted by the Association in recognition of outstanding contributions to library development, and to assist the Board in selecting member librarians qualified for the Association’s scholarship programs. The Chair of this committee is customarily given to the immediate past president.
- Nominations and Election Committee (NOMELEC) – to conduct the nomination and election of the Board of Directors. The Chairmanship is customarily given to a past president of the Association, with five (5) active members, all of whom are not candidates in the ensuing election, nor are they affiliated with any institution represented by the candidates.
The Board shall create Ad Hoc committees as it deem necessary. Special committees of the Association may also be established by the President and approved by the Board.
These committees shall be responsible to the Board and shall exercise such powers and functions as the Board may invest them. Sections relating to areas of interest actively represented among members may be established by the Board. Members of each section shall elect their own chairman. They shall represent their interest in relationship with the Board and shall inform members of decisions and policies affecting their interest.
- The President shall, with the consent of the Board, appoint the chairmen of all committees from among the Board members except the NOMELEC and Ad Hoc committees.
- Chairmen and committee members appointed shall be involved in academic and research library work.
- Committee Chairs may serve for more than one year, at the discretion of the incoming President and the Committee Chair. However, no member of these committees may serve in excess of three (3) years.
- The Committee Chairs assist the Executive Board in directing the activities of the Association; however, they cannot vote at Board meetings. Committee Chairs shall recruit and appoint the members of their committees. Each Committee Chair is required to report on its activities at the meetings of the Board whenever the need arises.
C. The “Nuts and Bolts” of Operation
At the beginning of the year, the incoming Board initiates a strategic short-term plan for the program and activities to be undertaken during its term. This strategic plan will guide the Board and committee chairs in deciding allocation of resources, program planning, and directing the energies of the officers and members of the Board, and its committees and members. The plan is concise and modular. It is concise so that its content is immediately understandable. It is modular so that each strategic area of the plan is reaffirmable or revisable at regular intervals, which are specified in the plan. The board is responsible in ensuring that all efforts of its members and their respective committees are consistent with the plan, or that any inconsistencies are remedied by appropriate revision of the plan.
The incoming President, assisted by the incoming Treasurer and the Ways and Means Committee, shall prepare and submit to the incoming Board the annual operating budget for the year, in conjunction with the Plan. The budget should provide an estimate of projected income and expenses for the year ahead as well as the pro forma financial effect of any major activity or initiatives.
Funding/Fiscal Policies
These policies and guidelines are established to maintain, preserve and enhance the association’s fiscal strength and its sound financial practices. Responsibility for the execution of the fiscal policies of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Council of Elders shall advise the Board on all significant fiscal policies and decisions.
- As stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the Association shall function exclusively for educational, civic, social, and charitable purposes and no dividend or pecuniary profit shall ever be declared or paid to any member, and that the fees, charges, contributions, donations, grants, devices, bequests, gifts and endowments as well as property as may from time to time be acquired or received or collected shall be spent in such activities as may be necessary to enable the corporation to carry out the purposes for which it was formed, and that said directors shall receive no remuneration whatsoever but shall function exclusively for the purposes above-mentioned.
- As stated in the By-Laws, all funds of the Association shall be deposited to the credit of the Association in such bank(s) as the Board has designated. The Association, through its treasurer and president, shall maintain an automatic savings/current account for its operating expenses; and time deposits for idle funds, including the Scholarship Fund. Separate accounts must be established for specific funds meant for specific projects or purposes.
- The amount of about half a million pesos turned over to the Association as seed money in December 2004 (the year of its reincorporation) and deposited at BPI Family Bank shall constitute the FIXED RESERVE FUND of the Association, established to cover at least the first six months of operation, and to be used only as a starting fund for its operation by every incoming Board, with the intent that each year’s expenses shall be supported by that year’s income, and whatever amount was used from this FIXED RESERVE FUND shall be returned immediately as soon as practicable. This Fund should be maintained in a separate savings account to distinguish it from the Operations Fund.
- The OPERATIONS FUND is the annual operating budget of the Association. The operating budget will reflect expenses which are less than or equal to anticipated income. All income and expenses from the Association’s program and activities for the year shall be deposited to an automatic savings/current account for the Operations Fund. This Fund should always have a positive balance. If the Board over-expend its accounts or anticipate over-expending its accounts, it should work with the Ways and Means Committee, in consultation with the Council of Elders, to develop a method to restore a positive account balance. At present, the Operations Fund is placed in a Maxi-Check Account with BPI Family Bank, augmented by another savings account placed with the Philippine National Bank. The latter is used for deposits of treasury checks and postal money order transactions received by the Association from membership dues and registration fees, which could not deposited with the BPI Family Bank..
- The SCHOLARSHIP FUND is a restricted fund with a starting amount of ONE MILLION PESOS placed on a 5-year time deposit , where only its interest earnings may be used to support the Association’s scholarship program. In investing this Fund, the Association strives to attain the best total return or yield as is reasonably and prudently achievable with specified safety parameters. Depositing the Fund in other investment portfolios should be avoided to minimize incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks. The Board is likewise prohibited in the use of speculative investments insofar as this Fund is concerned. The Treasurer shall review and report the rate of return of this Fund each quarter to the Board.
The sources of the Association’s Income shall be identified in the Treasurer’s Report as:
- Membership dues (individual and institutional)
- Registration fees from seminars and fora (receipts in excess of cost, or simply as net receipts, to be categorized by seminar/forum)
- Income from sale of books, publications, and other revenue-generating projects or promotional activities
- Sponsorships or Vendors/Product Presenters’ contributions
- Donations and other contributions
- Interest from bank deposits (net of tax)
Membership dues collected by any member of the Board shall be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for proper accounting. All income received should be deposited to the Association’s bank accounts as soon as possible. All Official Receipt books must be turned over to the Treasurer before the year ends for proper accounting.
- All expenditures must be approved by the Board.
- The Treasurer shall issue vouchers and checks to cover such expenses, with the signed approval of the President. No cash shall be dispensed unless the transaction specifically requires only cash. Cash advances should be promptly liquidated.
- All expenditures must be supported with official receipts, and accompanied with invoices or itemized statements.
- Expenditures for food, travel and accommodations of the Board for conferences, seminars, and fora may only be made if funds from the revenue-generating activities will support the expenses.
- Expenditures for the publication of the newsletters, directories, and other Association’s publications should be supported by income from membership dues and other promotional activities of the association for the benefit of its members, or from donations made for such publication activities.
The Board may utilize its operations budget for donations, if funds allow, and if the recipient organization meets the following criteria:
- It should be a legally recognized not-for-profit organization.
- It should have interests consistent with the Association’s mission and goals.
- It should be engaged in activities which benefit the general membership of the association.
- All donations, as expenditures, must be approved by the Board.
The Board may also give, if funds allow, a modest condolence gift (not to exceed P1000 as the customary gesture) to the bereaved family of Association members in good standing who recently passed away.
Audit/Financial Reviews
The Board shall engage the services of an external auditor to audit the bank accounts and financial condition of the Association, and submit an annual audited financial statement to be included in the treasurer’s report to members at its annual meeting. The audited financial report must be published in the first issue of the Newsletter. Financial reviews of the Association’s fiscal policies and the Board’s financial status shall be conducted by the Council of Elders whenever the need arises.
Conduct of Board Meetings
- The Board shall meet once a month, with five (5) members constituting a quorum.
- The President presides during the Board meeting.
- All members of the Board, with the exception of the Immediate Past President, may vote on any matter put to a vote during the meeting. Any member shall inhibit himself/herself from participating in any discussion or voting concerning a transaction in which he/she may have a conflict of interest.
- If attendance and participation of members in the work of the Executive Board becomes a problem, the Board may take appropriate action.
- When not in conflict with the By-Laws, Robert’s Rules of Order, (Revised) shall govern the conduct of all meetings.
- All Board resolutions must be signed and submitted for ratification of the members during the annual General Assembly. The resolutions should be composed according to the following guidelines:
- The resolution shall be related to the purposes of the Association, or intended to support efforts to keep members aware about issues of importance to them, or to take positions on current critical issues related to library and information service.
- The resolution should address only one topic or issue.
- The resolution should be complete so that upon passage it becomes a clear and formal expression of the opinion or will of the Assembly.
- The intent, objective, or goal of the resolution should be clear to all. The resolution should make clear whether it concerns a general policy, a viewpoint, or a call for specific action.
- If the resolution calls for a specific action, or program with a timetable, the timetable shall be clear.
- If the resolution has fiscal implications for the Association, an estimate of costs to be incurred should be included, or such financial implications should be explicitly provided.
General Assembly
- The Annual General Assembly shall be held every last Friday of January at the principal office, or at such time, date, and place as the Board may determine.
- Notice of the Annual General Assembly shall be sent by the Secretary to all members at least three weeks before the date of the scheduled meeting.
- The Outgoing President shall preside at the annual meeting.
- The order of business of the General Assembly shall be as follows:
- Call to Order/Roll Call
- Proof of Due Notice
- Declaration of Quorum
- Approval of Minutes of previous General Assembly
- Approval of the President’s report
- Consideration of the audited Annual Financial Statement and the Treasurer’s Report
- Ratification of Amendments of the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (whenever applicable)
- Ratification of all Acts, Decisions, Resolutions of the Board (whenever necessary to be presented to the Assembly)
- Proclamation of the newly elected incoming Board and Officers
- Other Matters
- Adjournment
The formal Induction of the new Board and its Officers may proceed immediately after the general meeting.
Seminars and Conferences
- Seminar programs should be based on subject matter, timeliness and quality; it is also essential that programs be based on the needs and suggestions of the membership. It is important to focus on topics of current interest, to provide a variety of subjects to interest all types of academic/research librarians, and to obtain speakers who are both knowledgeable and experienced.
- Arrangements should ensure that the program, schedule, food and facilities all contribute to fulfill members’ expectations. Locations should be chosen to best satisfy a matrix of convenience, affordability, good food, and adequate facilities.
- Each year, two to three conferences or seminars shall be held, one within the National Capital Region, and the other(s) outside of NCR. The timing of the seminars should be taken into serious consideration, and preferably during summer and school breaks. Every effort must be made to ensure that the seminar programs are approved by the Continuing Professional Education Council (CPEC) with credit points for participating librarians.
- During the General Assembly, the Calendar of Activities for the year should be distributed to members. Announcements, letters of invitation, and registration forms are to be mailed at least thirty (30) days prior to the event. Endorsements from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Department of Education (DepEd), and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DLIG) are also obtained to encourage participating librarians to avail of official leave, financial assistance, and other incentives.
- The registration form should include directions to the seminar venue, cost, schedule of activities, speakers, and a registration reply form to be returned with payment. The registration fee should cover conference meals, handouts, and certificate. Accommodation, transportation, and tours are separate costs at the option of the participants and may be be paid directly to the providers.
- Direct online payments for registration fees shall be encouraged. Payments may also be accepted on site. Personal checks shall not be accepted as payment on site. Only paid reservations and advance payments shall be treated with priority.
- Nominal discounts are encouraged for active members and early-bird registrants. Customarily, a fifty (50) percent discount in the registration fee is granted to past presidents participating in seminars.
- As funds allow, speakers shall be compensated with a modest professional fee, travel and accommodation, and conference meals, and given recognition with a plaque of appreciation. Fly-in, fly-out arrangements for speakers may also be an option for regional seminars.
- When operating funds are limited, or the revenue-generating activity cannot support the entire conference/seminar expenses of the officers and members of the Board, the Board should set its priorities – only travel and accommodation will be provided to the President, the Conference Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and at least half of the number of participating members of the Board must pay the registration fee or seek financial assistance from their employing institutions. Vendor support, exhibition fees, and sponsorships should be solicited in advance to support the activity.
- Programs should be planned to result in a modest positive contribution to the Association’s operating budget.
Fora/Roundtable Discussions/Symposia
The Conference Committee should plan at the beginning of the year a variety of public fora, roundtable discussions or symposia of interest to the members and other library and information professionals.
- Traditionally, PAARL offers an average of four (4) public fora each year: one in the first quarter, two in conjunction with the ABAP and Manila International Book Fairs, and the last, for the National Book Week.
- Current topics may include open access resources, building digital collections, library research, global trends in information technology, user services and information literacy, managing service collections, creating materials for online learning, and many others. These continuing education programs should earn professional credits for licensed librarians, while they update their skills and knowledge.
- Discounted registration fees may be availed of by members of the Association. To encourage past presidents to attend, they are customarily exempted from payment of the registration fee.
- Expenses for such fora should be kept at a minimum. Vendor support and sponsorships should be solicited to cover the food charges and other expenses.
- As funds allow, speakers shall be compensated with a modest professional fee, or token gift, and plaque of appreciation.
Publications Policies
The Newsletter is published four (4) times a year: Jan-March, April-June, July- September, and October-December. The Editor, with the consent of the Executive Board, may change its publication frequency if funds are tight. If the frequency is to be changed, the decision should be made as soon as possible after the new Board and its officers are installed.
- Selection and space allocation for newsletter articles are based on standard news values of recency, proximity, and impact to the audience, as well as the priorities of the Association.
- The target audience for the newsletter is the Association’s membership. .
- Newsletter articles are chosen according to their relative news value. Priority must be given to those stories which are timely, especially future events and programs, and to the programs that have impact on the largest number of Association members.
- In general, articles are selected according to the above criteria without issue-by- issue space guarantees for the following reasons: -to serve the growing publicity needs from diverse groups within the Association; -to maintain the newsletter as a flexible communication channel for the entire Association; and – to optimize limited newsletter resources of frequency and space.
- Communication channels such as newsletters and directories are legitimate ways in which the Association may serve its members and therefore should be considered in response to budgetary reality. Solicitation for vendors’ support in exchange for advertisement pages may be considered, if membership funds cannot support the printing and mailing expenses of these publications.
Other Communication Tools
The Association maintains an official website accessible via the URL https://www.paarl.org.ph. In addition, it maintains an alternate website, PAARL Online (https://sites.google.com/site/paarlonlineorg/). These websites are kept up-to-date with recent information on the Association’s activities. Online content of the Newsletter is also downloadable from these sites. It also maintains, through a Moderator, an e-discussion group in the Yahoogroups. The PAARL Yahoogroup website allows online communication, uploading of photos, files, and links to information of particular interest to members. It also contains databases, such as the directory of licensed librarians, directory of PAARL members, and contact phonebook of the members of the Board. The Association also has an online presence at one of the most popular global social networks, Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/paarl). These websites are an important means for communicating and distributing news and information of interest to our members. They are also an excellent way to educate and inform nonmembers about our Association’s activities, our membership profile, as well as the profession.
Chapters and Affiliations
The Association may form its own Chapters and establish Affiliations with other organizations having similar purposes. Such relationships require amendments to the By- Laws, Board approval and ratification by the general members in a membership meeting called for this purpose. The primary objective for establishing Chapters and/or entering into relationships with other organizations should be:
- To help the Association achieve its mission and objectives.
- To fulfill a specific need or to contribute in a significant way to the cooperating organization, but not in terms of sharing financial resources.
- To benefit as much as possible from a reciprocal relationship in the form of expertise, experience, public relations, or other advantages.
D. Membership Standing Rules
Members shall be admitted by the Board upon recommendation of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for encouraging membership in the Association, maintaining membership records, and for welcoming new members. The Committee:
- Screens applications for membership, and recommends to the Board nominees for conferment of honorary membership.
- Maintains up-to-date membership files based on data generated by the Membership Application and Remittance Forms.
- Sends Invitation Letters, Membership Application and Remittance Forms to members and nonmembers.
- Investigates reasons for members’ failure to update their payments, and reports patterns of poor membership renewals and remittances to the Board for information and further investigation.
- Provides a list of new members for inclusion in the Directory of Members
- Plans recruitment, retention and marketing/promotional activities or campaigns, including distribution of brochures and membership application and remittance forms to attendees at conferences, seminars, fora and Association annual meetings
- Facilitates and monitors membership’s needs and requirements, and continues to investigate ways to serve our members
- Assists in the preparation, publication, and distribution of the Directory of Members
All members shall, upon payment of appropriate dues, be entitled to selected publications and other services of the Association. However, past presidents and honorary members shall be exempt from payment of dues. Only regular and designated representatives of institutional members are entitled to elect and be elected into office.
The Directory of Members is published every two years. Support for its publication comes from advertisements and sponsorships. This Directory should have a separate listing of:
- Individual Members (both active and inactive since it has been an established policy that no member shall be dropped from the Roster of Membership for failure to renew membership) to consist of: Regular Members (for licensed librarians employed in academic/research institutions) and Associate Members (for non-licensed librarians and those employed in non-academic/research institutions);
- Institutional Members (both active and inactive for the same reason that no member shall be dropped from this Roster for failure to renew membership);
- Honorary Members (for retiree-librarians who were former members of the Association and/or members who have contributed to academic/research librarianship in the country, and those who have been conferred with honorary membership by Board resolution); and,
- Paid Members for the last two years arranged by their Employing Institutions
E. Awards and Scholarships Guidelines
The Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) sponsors Award and Scholarship programs to promote academic and research librarianship, specifically through:
- the provision of financial assistance to students ofBachelor of Library and Information Science program to help him/her finish the degree;
- the provision of financial assistance to academic or research librarians for the completion of his/her master’s thesis;
- thepromotion of professional growth among academic/research librarians; and,
- the recognition of accomplishments of academic/research librarians who made significant and remarkable contributions/achievements in the field of academic librarianship in the country.
These programs are as follows:
Graduate Thesis Grant
Purpose | To foster a culture of research in academic librarianship |
Nature of grant | Cash award of Php10,000.00 per student to be given in two (2) installments (i.e. 50% upon approval of the application and the remaining 50% upon submission of the approved copy of the thesis)Limited to two recipients per year |
Eligibility | Applicant must meet the following:Completion of all academic requirements for the master’s program;Approved thesis proposal;PAARL membership for the past three years; and,Not a recipient of a similar thesis assistance or grant from any other organization or institution. |
Criteria | The proposal will be judged primarily on its merit with emphasis on:Potential significance of the research in the field of academic librarianship;Originality and creativity;Validity of the methodology and proposed methods of analysis;Clarity and completeness of the proposal; andPresentation of a convincing plan for completion of the thesis within a reasonable amount of time. |
Documentary requirements | Applicant must submit the following:Letter of application, accompanied by the research proposal describing the research work to be undertaken, including its significance and the proposed methodology to be used;Schedule for completion;Budget and budget justification for items for which support is sought (such as printing and binding, statistical consulting, typing or computer time, transportation, supplies, and similar expenses);Letter from the adviser endorsing the proposal;Curriculum vitae (with recent photo);An electronic copy of the final and approved thesis (for the 2nd tranche).Notarized affidavit to be executed by the applicant certifying that he/she has not been a previous recipient of any PAARL grant. Note that should any misrepresentation be found later, the grant shall be forfeited and the cash benefits, whichever is higher, shall be returned to PAARL. |
Application process | Application should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendation for the Board’s approval |
Fund source | PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor |
Deadline | February and August of every year |
Fellowship Grant
Purpose | To foster professional growth among PAARL members by providingsupport for their attendance/participation to local or international seminars/conferences |
Nature of grant | Complimentary registration to any locally-sponsored seminar/conference. For international conferences, a maximum of Php15,000.00 may be granted to cover airfare or registration feeLimited to two recipients per year |
Eligibility | Applicant must meet the following qualifications:PAARL membership for the past five (5) years;Currently employed in an academic or research library; and, |
Documentary requirements | Applicant must submit the following:Letter of application, accompanied by a copy of the invitation or program of the seminar/conferenceNotarized affidavit to be executed by the applicant certifying that he/she has not been a previous recipient of any PAARL grant. Note that should any misrepresentation be found later, the grant shall be forfeited and the cash benefits, whichever is higher, shall be returned to PAARL.Recipient must submit a post-conference/training report within two weeks upon return from the conference/seminar |
Application process | Application should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendation for the Board’s approval |
Fund source | PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor |
Deadline | Anytime of the year |
Outstanding Academic/Research Library of the Year Award
To recognize an academic or research library for its outstanding national contribution to academic or research librarianship and library development in the Philippines.
Nature of Award
Plaque of Recognition and cash gift amounting to Php10,000.00 given to the institution to be awarded during the annual General Assembly.
Nominee should have the following qualifications:exemplary contribution to academic and research librarianship;outstanding leadership in national/regional library development in the areas of library management, education and training, information and documentation services, etc.;commitment to information networking and linkages;commitment to PAARL’s objectives as demonstrated by its continued support and cooperation in PAARL’s activities and undertakings; and,service to the organized profession through PLAI and/or other related organizations.
Selection process
Nominations should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendation for the Board’s approvalFund sourcePAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor
October 31 for the submission of nominees; November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
Outstanding Library Program of the Year Award
The award is given to an academic or research library in recognition of its outstanding library program that contributes to Philippine academic librarianship and library development in the Philippines
Nature of Award
Plaque of Recognition and a cash gift amounting to Php10,000.00 given to the institution to be awarded during the annual General Assembly
CriteriaThe library program must have a strong impact on the library community, be innovative, sustainable and may be replicated to other library communities, or institutions.
Selection process
Nominations should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendation for the Board’s approval
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor
October 31 for the submission of nominees; November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
Innovative Library Design Award
To encourage libraries who are constructing or renovating their libraries to introduce new concepts and integrate state-of-the-art designs which successfully combine exciting architectural expression, inspiring internal spaces and good functionality.The award offers an opportunity to recognize excellence in library design (for new buildings, renovations, extensions, and refurbishments) to demonstrate the impact of such innovative library design on learning, teaching and research.
Nature of Award
Plaque of Recognition and cash gift amounting to Php10,000.00 given to the Institution to be awarded during the annual General Assembly.
The library should demonstrate the following:Ideally, the architectural design should have the ten key qualities of a good learning space, functional, adaptable, accessible, varied, interactive, conducive, environmentally suitable, safe and secure, efficient, and suitable for information technology;New space should also have “the wow” factor that excites and inspires; andThe library is an institutional member of PAARL to qualify for this award.
Selection process
Nominations should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendation for the Board’s approval
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor
DeadlineOctober 31 for the submission of nominees; November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
Academic Librarian of the Year Award
To recognize librarians for their outstanding national contribution to academic or research librarianship and library development in the Philippines.
Nature of Award
Plaque of recognition, certificate, and cash gift amounting to P5,000.00 to be given during the annual General Assembly. Only one outstanding academic/research librarian award is given every year
Nominee should have demonstrated achievements in the following areas: Planning and implementing an innovative or a high-impact library program for an academic/research library; Significant and influential research on academic or research library service; and Service to the profession through PAARL and other similar organizations.
Selection process
Nominations should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendations for the Board’s approval
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor
October 31 for the submission of nominees; November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest recognition given to an academic/research librarian as a hallmark of professional excellence.
Nature of Award
Plaque of Recognition and a gift to be given during the Annual General Assembly. Only one (1) awardee will be selected.
The nominee should possess the following: Consistent recognition for service as an outstanding academic or research librarian; Demonstrated remarkable leadership in service to the association, in various capacities as president, officer, board member, or speaker/resource person in various PAARL seminars, conferences, and fora; and Distinguished lifetime professional career dedicated to the cause of Philippine academic librarianship for at least 30 years before retirement.
Selection process
Nominations should be addressed to the Awards and Scholarship Committee which conducts the screening process and submits recommendations for the Board’s approval.
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor.
October 31 for the submission of nominees; November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
Professional Service AwardPurpose To recognize the distinguished service of the immediate past president to PAARL and his/her contribution to academic or research librarianship or library development in the Philippines.
Nature of Award
Plaque of Recognition, certificate, and a token/gift amounting to Php5,000.00 to be awarded during the annual General Assembly.
For this award to be given, the recipient must have completed his/her term as PAARL President; have shown exemplary and meritorious leadership in the organization; have completed the term as Ex-Officio President and PAARLNet Chair; have provided guidance, while at the same time, allowed freedom for the Board members to plan and coordinate their own activities and programs.
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor.
November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors
Best Research Award
This is given to three professional librarians to recognize their research capabilities and their contribution to academic librarianship and or professional development.
Nature of Award
Plaque of recognition, certificate, and a token/gift amounting to Php10,000 for the first prize; certificate and Php7,000.00 for the second prize; and, certificate and Php5,000.00 for the third prizes, to be awarded during the annual General Assembly.
Criteria For this award to be given, the research work must demonstrate the following: Potential contribution of the research study (significance and relevance); Innovation and originality (i.e. shows high levels of creativity, fresh thinking and innovation in approach); Overall impact (it shows actual or potential impact); Special considerations takes into account the extent to which the research is useful in the promotion of the profession; deals with problems facing the profession, locally/worldwide
Fund source
PAARL Scholarship Fund or Private Sponsor
Selection process
Nominees to be determined by the Publications Committee. Selected papers should be presented in the concluding session of the Marina G. Dayrit Lecture series, usually scheduled in November of every year.
November 30 for submission to the Board of Directors.
F. Elections
- The NOMELEC shall submit to the Board a list of nominees of PAARL members who have been active for the last three (3) consecutive years at least 3 months before the annual election, but not later than August 31. The list should contain more than nine (9) candidates.
- It shall prepare guidelines to conduct the annual election of the Board of the Directors, and canvass the poll results, which shall be embodied in a report to be submitted to the incumbent Board within five (5) days after the election.
- Election shall be by secret ballot mailed to each voting member at least six weeks prior to the annual election which falls every first week of December.
- The candidates who receive the largest number of votes shall be deemed elected. In the event of a tie, the Board shall determine winning candidates by secret ballot.
- Any candidate desiring to contest an election shall, within two days after the announcement of the results of the elections, file with the outgoing Board of Directors, a written protest setting forth the ground therefore. The Board shall decide on the merits of the election protest.
- In case an election shall be declared null and void, the incumbent Board shall hold over until such time that a new Board of Directors is elected and proclaimed.
- Guidelines for candidate selection:
- All nominees must be current regular members (licensed professionals) within the last three (3) years with a record of involvement with the Association or other library organizations..
- Candidates must be selected to represent an academic or research institution; no two candidates may represent the same institution.
- Candidates must be willing and able to devote time to the duties of the office and to Association affairs.
G.Important Dates/Reminders
- Planning Workshop of the Incoming Board
- Last Meeting of the Outgoing Board (to discuss arrangements for the Annual General Assembly/Induction of Incoming Board, and preparation of Treasurer’s Financial Report for submission to External Auditor)
- Sending of Notices for the Annual General Assembly (within the first week)
- Sending of Notices to Award recipients and preparation of the plaques/trophies for Awardees (within the first week)
- Preparation of the Calendar of Activities for the incoming year (for distribution at the Annual General Assembly)
- Printing and distribution of the last issue of the Newsletter (of the previous year)
- Printing and distribution of the Directory of Members (if applicable for the year)
- Annual General Assembly (held on the last Friday of January)
- First Regular Meeting of the Board (included in the Agenda is the formal turnover of documents, official receipt books, banner, and physical assets to the new Officers of the Board, usually scheduled immediately after the Annual General Assembly)
- 2nd Regular Meeting of the Board
- Filing of SEC General Information Sheet
- Filing of BIR Information tax return
- Renewal of Application for Third Class Mailing Permit (with Post Office)
- Renewal of Accreditation as CPE Provider (if applicable for the year)
- Submission to CPEC of programs for accreditation with CPE credit points
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the first public forum
- Consideration of applications for Thesis Grant (deadline of filing application is end of February)
- Board constitutes the Council of Elders
- 3rd Regular Meeting of the Board
- Holding of the first Public Forum
- Preparation of the first issue of the Newsletter (to include list of paid members)
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the first Conference/seminar
- 4th and 5th Regular Meetings of the Board
- Holding of the Summer Conference
- Printing and distribution of the first issue of the Newsletter
- 6th Regular Meeting of the Board (included in the agenda are preparations for the ABAP and MIBB Forums)
- Preparation of the second issue of the Newsletter (to include mid-year financial report)
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the second public forum
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the second Conference/seminar (if applicable)
- 7th Regular Meeting of the Board (included in the Agenda are Election Guidelines and Nominations for Candidates to the next Board)
- Holding of the ABAP Book Fair Public Forum
- Holding of a mid-year seminar-workshop
- Printing and distribution of the second issue of the Newsletter
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the third public forum
- 8th Regular Meeting of the Board
- Holding of the Manila International Book Fair Public Forum
- Submission of the List of Nominees for next year’s Executive Board (deadline is August 31)
- Consideration of applications for Thesis Grant (deadline of filing application is August 31)
- 9th Regular Meeting of the Board
- Preparation of the third issue of the Newsletter (to include list of paid members)
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the October Conference/seminar
- Preparation of Election Ballots, List of Qualified Voters, etc.
- 10th Regular Meeting of the Board
- Printing and distribution of the third issue of the Newsletter
- Holding of the second Conference (scheduled during the school break)
- Mailing of Election Ballots (deadline is October 31)
- Preparation of the Directory of Members (if applicable for the year)
- Sending of announcements, invitations, program for the last public forum
- Submission of Nominees for PAARL Awards (deadline is October 31)
- 11th Regular Meeting of the Board
- Holding of the National Book Week Public Forum
- Preparation, designation of Election Ballot Boxes at The National Library
- Approval of Nominees for PAARL Awards (deadline is November 30)
- Holding of the annual Election for the new Board (scheduled within the first week of December)
- Report on the result of the canvassing (within 5 days after the election)
- Joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming Boards (12th Regular Meeting of the Board and Organizational Meeting of the incoming Board)
- Christmas Party
- Preparation of the last issue of the Newsletter (for distribution during the Annual Assembly, to include President and Treasurer Reports)
- Preparation of the citations for the plaques/trophies in connection with the PAARL Awards
Sample Documents/Letters/Forms
(These documents and forms may be downloaded from our PAARLWiki under this link: http://paarl.wikispaces.com/About+PAARL#H )
Awards and Scholarship Program Board Resolution re Technical Assistance Program
Calendar of Activities Conference Brochure with Registration Reply Form Conference Programme
CPE Program Proposal Evaluation Report on BookFair Forum Financial Report 2004 (Audited) Financial Report 2005 (Unaudited) Forum Program Invitation Institutional Membership List 2005 Invitation Letter to Welcome/Keynote Speaker List of Paid Members 2002 List of Forum Participants List of Seminar Participants Mechanics of the Seminar-workshop Membership Application Form Member’s Information Sheet Membership invitation letter Membership invitation letter to institutions Membership Remittance Form Nomination Acceptance Form Oath of office (Panunumpa sa Katungkulan) Planning Workshop 2000 (Minutes) Planning Workshop (Agenda)
Secretary’s Certification of Board Resolution Sponsorship Award certificate
(these links may be accessed at our PAARLWiki: http://paarl.wikispaces.com/About+PAARL#I )
Alaska Association of School Librarians Policy Manual(Revised 3/25/08) California Library Association Financial Handbook Special Libraries Association – Pittsburgh Chapter Procedures Manual Wisconsin Library Association Organizational Manual